How to get off the grid

Do you want to be less dependent on international corporations, stock markets, governments, or the infrastructure of your area? No need to shut yourself away, neither individually nor in a community. But if you learn how to get off the grid, you can make your life less stressful and it will make you more resilient in times of economic or climate crisis.

Of course producing your own energy is a good start. You can use solar energy and wind energy for this. Although initial investments to be able to produce your own electricity might be high in some cases, there are some low-cost DIY alternatives. For example you can build your own solar panels or parabolic dish. You can use solar energy also in other ways, for example for heating water or cooking.

Also producing your own food can be very useful. You might think this requires a lot of work, but there are some technologies available that reduce required work dramatically once they are set up. For example you can build an aquaponics system. Systems that might require even less work, Cybernated Farm Systems, are currently under development. Maybe you would like to build your own chicken coop. There are also instructions and plans available for many other useful things for house and garden, for example storage sheds or wind generators.

If you study Earthships you will find many more ideas how you can get off the grid without giving up any amenities. They include concepts for low energy air conditioning, water cycles and much more. The combination of architecture and ecology, that is used for Earthships, can also be used at a much larger scale. A long-term goal of Solar Panels Brisbane is to initiate cooperatives that run such arcology systems, systems that provide a lot of free amenities once they are set up.

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